Dr. Jana Rentzel
Teacher | Spiritual Director | Artist
Helping you
live more fully
by growing closer
to God.​

As a PhD Spiritual Psychologist and a trained Spiritual Director, I address the underlying core issues that block your ability to live your life to its fullest. Learning how to tap into your own innate resources to heal, your life can be brought into balance so that you may live with more peace, joy, and love.
Whatever spiritual path you follow, psychological exploration and healing will allow your spirituality to deepen and grow.
What is Spiritual Psychology?
Spiritual psychology is the study of how your mind influences your spiritual development, and vice versa. Themes often explored in in spiritual psychology include:
working through core wounds and beliefs
inner child work and shadow work
moving through a "dark night of the soul"
releasing blocked energy
balancing your mind with your heart
gaining access to your True Nature
finding meaning and purpose in your life
discovering your spiritual calling
Without deep and honest self-knowledge, the spiritual life rests on a fragile psychological foundation and is nothing more that escape into a world of illusion. Humble self-knowledge is the most basic condition for any true spirituality. We must deal with the root cause of our suffering if we are to find lasting love and happiness. This is where psychology comes into play: it helps us to face, explore, embrace, and heal these deeper issues.
We need both spirituality and psychology -- working alongside each other -- to reach our full spiritual potential as human beings.
From the great Jesuit mystic-priest, Anthony DeMello:
When the eye is unobstructed, the result is sight.
When the ear is unobstructed, the result is hearing.
When the mind is unobstructed, the result is truth.
When the heart is unobstructed, the result is joy and love.